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Depending on their mothers, they have looks that appeal to the multitude, or not. And that is the thing that makes all the difference — good looks — along with intelligence, and personal wisdom. Race is not an obstacle in America today.

Most people’s interest in “passed for white” movies began and ends with Claudette Colbert in Imitation of Life some 90 years ago, skipping the lavish remake by Ross Hunter later on.

Knowing that the overwhelming response will be — for understandable reasons — that mom is a cheating whore? Yeah, sure, let’s go viral with that. Flight from white is a recent thing, and a reversal from what earlier generations went through. When I mentioned the media I was referring to the present day situation. Millions of white kids with a bit of African ancestry are born every year. In today’s shameless times, when the Slutwalk era seems almost chaste, and where plenty of moms can be found on OnlyFans or twerking next to their child on TikTok, I really don’t see such concerns standing in people’s way to attention and money in every single one of these many cases, if they indeed exist.

Your point about gender-swapping is particularly stupid. The boys were made up to look like women, and when they grew beards, they were out of a job. Likewise a white actor playing Othello was made up to look like a “Moor.”

As well as the name the character’s ethnicity was referred to in an episode where she has to record an ‘away’ message and Jim gets her to do it in fluent Italian.

I don’t go to ballet but a friend does, and he tells me that mediocre blacks are being promoted in the big American companies. So that’s gone, too. There’s always Russia.

Certainly Othello wasn’t played by an African of any variety. I’ve seen several plays with “race blind casting.” Some of the minority actors give truly good performances, and some leave you with the sense that the director had to fill a quota, or was trying to make a point.

The one drop rule existed, but it wasn’t as hard of a line as people assume, especially for women. The few women who got caught passing (like the Rhinelander case lady) usually did have some obviously SSA features coupled with light skin and so resembled Rebecca Hall’s mother more than Hall herself. Someone who may have passed? Varina Davis, the First Lady of the Confederacy. There were rumors she was partially Indian or mulatto and although the rumors annoyed her, they never truly threatened her status. She looks somewhat mixed-race in her younger portraits/photos and was born in Natchez, where the color line was fairly relaxed before the Civil War. Supposedly her family was Welsh/Scots-Irish but the origins of her illegitimate maternal grandmother are murky.

There are other subplots as well, but the one about the mulatto daughter is the one everyone remembers.”

If someone called my mother a cheating whore and harangued me to prove that she isn’t, I wouldn’t go out of my way to do anything that suggests my mother’s behavior warrants skepticism in the first place, or that she needs to have her name “cleared”. The thing is, most everyone in South Africa (except those who push it for political reasons, who at the very least claim to believe Sandra was legitimate) can’t really be pushed any further in the direction of believing Sandra wasn’t really a Laing , pelo matter what Sandra does. For the simple reason that they know Afrikaners and see them all the time, and know that aren’t actually Afrikaner Sandras Website running around.

Anyway, Quincy said he responded that while he loved and was proud of Thriller, and wouldn’t mind working with Jackson again, that time was over and he had so many other projects and accomplishments he was actually perturbed people only knew him from Thriller.

But clearly, a study of her at google images shows, in contrast to the pic Steve used, that she’s had a lot of work done.

Piss on that. We shouldn’t be slaves to what’s conventional or popular in the present moment. I love using older slang.

I don’t see why the same wouldn’t happen with the offspring of black and white parents. It’s another reason for clear laws against miscegenation, firmly enforced. It’ll avoid unhappiness down the road.

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